Essex riders petition for better bridleways

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The Essex Bridleway Association is petitioning to the Essex County Council for better off-road access to horse riders.

The campaign

Members of the Essex Bridleway Association (EBA) will be presenting the appeal at the County Hall in Chelmsford on Wednesday 8 June.

As part of the charity’s ‘Better Bridleways’ campaign the petition is out to raise awareness and provide safer off-road riding for Essex horse owners.


EBA Chairman Julia Wilson stresses the need for better access to the countryside for horse riders in the area.

“There is a common misconception amongst other road users that horse owners have miles of bridleways to ride on but this is not the case and in most parts of Essex we are very poorly catered for.

“As a consequence of this and massive development in the county we are forced to share the roads with increasingly fast and heavy traffic ” she said.

Public plea

The EBA will be welcoming members of the public to support the petition which starts at 10.30am on Wednesday 8th June.

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