Global Champions League finally set to Launch

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A crucial ruling bought in by the Belgian Competition Authorities (BCA) means thatan exciting new show jumping league and team competition created by the owners of the Global Champions Tour can finally get the go ahead.

The Global Champions League will see team owners recruit star riders to make up a squad of four, from that four they will pick two riders from their squads to compete in each event – creating a new and exciting competition.

The New Ruling

The Belgian Competition Authorities (BCA) decision to remove the ‘exclusivity cause’ imposed by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) has meant that creators of the GCL can press on with the launch.

Co-owner of the Global Champions Tour (GCT) Frank H McCourt Jr says; “Until now, the FEI’s exclusivity clause had put a strangle hold on the global development and growth of show jumping.”

The interim measures bought forward by the BCA have suspended the exclusivity clause imposed by the FEI, until after the legal nature of the clause can be examined by the BCA.

The BCA have ruled the FEI have no right to suspend or sanction any horse or rider, directly or indirectly (via the national federations) in any way for their participation in an event organised within the frame work of the Global Champions League. This means the Global Champions League will be launched in 2016.

The FEI Clause

Up until this point the FEI had claimed “exclusivity” prohibiting any horse, rider or official competing at a non-FEI approved event for six months.

As show jumping is a year round event, the six month suspension imposed by the FEI stopped the launch of the GCL, as it was not an FEI approved event.

Jean Louis-Dupont, the attorney representing the GCL previously said the exclusivity clause was a “clear breach of EU competition law and is therefore illegal.”

Moving forward

President of the GCT Jan Tops welcomes the decision by the BCA and goes on to say: “ It is important to note that the decision of the BCA is in clear recognition that without the suspension of the exclusivity clause it would have been impossible to go ahead.

“I am happy that there is now clarity for all the riders and our stakeholders and we look forward to delivering a fantastic competition.”

Attorney’s Filip Tuytschaever and Jean Louis-Dupont commented: “This is a first important step to establish the illegality of the FEI exclusivity clause.

“By means of its decision, the BCA has shown its ability to intervene quickly and efficiently to safeguard competition on the market.”