Pint-size pony gets his own periscope

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A shetland pony has been given a whole new perspective on life, after a bunch of inner-city children designed him a personalised periscope to allow him to see over his stable door.

Big hit

At just 84cm tall, Pedro is a huge hit at Ebony Horse Club in Brixton, where many children have never seen a horse before.

“Pedro is perfect for gaining their confidence,” said Tanya White a youth worker at the stables. “Last week he visited a school we work with, where a number of students are wheelchair users. They loved him as he was so good with them.”

However, there is just one problem with Pedro’s diminutive proportions – he can’t see over his stable door.

Miniature stable

“Although he spends a lot of the day outside, he is very inquisitive and likes to be able to see what’s going on when he is in his stable,” said Letty Porter, engagement and funding manager at Ebony Horse Club.

The club looked at several long-term options, including a small door, but it was decided the best idea for Pedro was to buy a miniature stable costing £700. This will also free up the stable for a bigger horse.

While they raise the necessary funds it was decided to use the inquisitive brains of local children to invent ways to help Pedro. Ideas ranged from building a set of steps inside his stable, to designing a set of high heels, but the winning idea was a periscope.

Strange request

Grace Mpungi aged 11, who was involved in the project said: “Pedro is so cute and our other horses love him, especially Joe who is the biggest. I’d never seen a horse in real life till I came to Ebony, never mind one as small as Pedro. It’s been so much fun designing and making the Pedroscope.”

Stockport-based firm Print & Cut Ltd offered to design and construct the device, now called a ‘Pedroscope’.

“We’ve had some strange requests over the years but never anything like this,” said Andy Morris, senior project manager. “It’s the first we’ve ever heard of, let alone made for a pony, but we jumped at the chance to help.”


Ebony Horse Club uses horses to help disadvantaged young people, growing up in Brixton, South London. The club teaches riding and horse care, and takes groups to events, in and outside of the capital.

To help the club raise funds to buy a miniature stable for Pedro, and to continue its work text PONY44, followed by the amount you wish to pledge to 70070 (eg PONY44 £5) to 70070.