Horse trainer raises funds to make Taming Wild part 2

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The horse trainer behind the stunning film Taming Wild has announced she is making a follow-up, after raising $20,000 on Kickstarter.

Epic journey

Taming Wild: Pura Vida will see Elsa Sinclair rescue two horses and train them as she crosses Costa Rica, from the west to the east coast. To help her on this epic journey, she is teaming up with Andrea Wady, who has run Discovery Horse Tours in Costa Rica for the last thirteen years.

This lastest film will once again explore the ideas behind Elsa’s Freedom Based Training and delve even deeper into new ways of building relationships between horses and humans.

“We will be rescuing these horses either from the kill pen, or from a situation where it seems likely that the kill pen is their destination,” explained Elsa. “The goal in this movie is to take everything we know about training horses, rebuilding trust, and developing relationship skills and put it into action with these horses.”


Elsa is funding the film via Kickstarter and she reached her $20,000 goal, with eight days still to go. She hopes to raise more money to help pay for post-production and ensure the film fulfils its potential.

“I have been overwhelmed by the support shown to us in this quest to take Freedom Based Training to a new level of exploration!” said Elsa. “I am also overjoyed at how many people have decided to join team Taming Wild as we embark on this next step.”

Taming Wild: Pura Vida will be filmed over the course of four weeks in Costa Rica in January and February.

You can watch Taming Wild on H&C Play and on Amazon Video.