Showjumping league offers olive branch to FEI

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After months of legal battles the Global Champions League (GLC) has offered an olive branch to the FEI, asking the federation to oversee equine welfare when the new-format competition starts next year.


While the FEI still refuses to approve the new series, it has been over-ruled by the Court of Appeal in Brussels.

Organisers of the GCL clearly hope to win the federation around, and have invited FEI officials to join its own team of vets at the competitions.

Over the past few months the two organisations have gone head-to-head over the launch of the new league, which will see teams of riders compete for big-money prizes in glamorous locations around the world.

Exclusivity clause

Without its approval the GCL couldn’t commence, due to the FEI’s ‘exclusivity clause’. This bans riders from taking part in any non-FEI approved event for a period of six months prior to competing in an FEI event.

GLC co-owner Frank H McCourt Jr claimed this clause “put a strangle hold on the global development and growth of showjumping”. However, the FEI said the rule was to safeguard the riders and competitions.

FEI challenge

It looked like the league wasgoing ahead when the Belgian Competition Authorities (BCA) agreed to suspend the exclusivity clause. However, the FEI then challenged this decision, taking it to the Court of Appeal in Brussels.

The court has just announced it’s decision in favour of the GLC, saying the FEI “failed to demonstrate the injunction inflicted serious and irreparable harm on the federation”.

The court also said the FEI had “managed for more than a century without the clause and failed to show why it was indispensable”.

‘Exciting opportunities’

According to Frank, the “last hurdle” has now been removed.

“Global Champions League represents a transformational opportunity for the sport of showjumping,” he said. “There has been great anticipation in the showjumping community for a clear path to growth, opportunity, and exposure around the world.

“We firmly believe that Global Champions League will deliver on all fronts as it builds a truly global fan base and creates exciting opportunities for everyone involved.”