How to improve your horse’s pasture

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We all want to make sure our horses have safe, adequate turnout – but how good is the condition of your horse’s pasture? Do you have a deluge of grass, or are your fields already looking poor and bare?

Fieldcare experts Agrigem Ltd share their top tips for ensuring your paddocks stay in the best possible condition all year round.


Find out what nutrients are available in your soil by using a DIY soil analysis kit.

Where possible, allow at least one acre of grazing per horse, even if you are strip grazing.

Treat weeds in April/May each year, before they get too big.

Remove manure manually – or if the field is very large, you may have to harrow instead.

Consider putting up temporary fencing around gateways and other wet areas throughout the winter.


Don’t apply chemicals or fertiliser during frosty or drought conditions.

Don’t overgraze areas, as this can damage grass and cause poaching.

Don’t trust that digging ragwort will remove all traces of the plant. It only takes a small amount of root to be broken and left in the ground, which can make the problem as much as five times worse.

Don’t apply chemicals or fertiliser to your paddocks without seeking specialist advice first.

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