Stream Top Marks: The Veteran Horse now

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Kelly Marks is a specialist in understanding horse psychology and behaviour taking on a variety of challenges to aid both rider and horse.

In this episode, Kelly talks about how certain activities can benefit your veteran horse or pony. She looks at how stretches and various exercises can keep your ageing equine friends in good health and flexible, with the aid of her veteran horse, Pie.

She also spends some time with Smartie and his owner Dr Veronica Fowler – as Smartie (a 19-year-old veteran, Welsh Section A pony) has a phobia of the vet. Kelly takes the time to look at Smartie’s behaviour and works with him and his owner to identify exercises and techniques that will help the experience stay stress-free.

Kelly also speaks to vet, Jo Burnett MCVRS, about how we can identify pain or changes in behaviour in our veteran horses and ponies.


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