Donkey rescued from flood by rowing coach

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A donkey has been rescued from floodwater against all odds, thanks to a heroic rowing coach.

Rising flood water

Animal Heaven Animal Rescue (AHAR) received a desperate call from a man whose donkey had escaped from his field in Kilorglin, south west Ireland, after the fence was blown down in gale force winds.

The donkey was then cut off by rising flood water. With time running out, the charity couldn’t find anyone with a boat to help – until a coachwith Kilorglin rowing club came to their aid.

Mike Fleming jumped in his boat with friend Declan and set off to save the drowning donkey. They were joined by Suzanne Gibbons, founder of AHAR, who can’t swim but was determined to help.

‘Beyond brave’

The rescue team put a life ring around the donkey’s neck, to help keep him afloat, and dragged him back to dry land.

“Declan and Mike were beyond brave,” said Suzanne. “So many people told me don’t do it, it can’t be done. These two men just said, ‘OK girl let’s give it a go’.”

The donkey, who Suzanne has nicknamed Mike after his rescuer, was taken to AHAR’s farm, where he was put in a warm, dry stable and given a hot mash.

‘Worth the danger’

‘Mike’ was seen by a vet, but other than a small amount of fluid on his lung he is in good health. He has been put on a course of antibiotics as a precaution to prevent pneumonia.

“We loved every moment saving Mike and I think I speak for all of us, he was so worth the danger just to see his little face on dry land,” said Suzanne.

The donkey will go back to his owner when the floods have receded and his fence has been fixed.