BHS Ride Out UK

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Raise while you ride.

H&C is proud to be supporting the BHS’s Ride Out UK campaign for 2022! We know first hand the joy of riding out in beautiful countryside, and the huge benefits that gives to both horse and rider – so it was only natural for us to support a cause that affects so many of our members, and those in our wider community.

What is it?

Ride Out UK celebrates the joys of riding out whilst fundraising for the BHS Ride Out Fund, money used to protect and extend safe places to ride and carriage drive off-road.

So many of us now have to ride on shared carriageways, with road incidents becoming sadly more common – so this is a hugely important case for those of us in the UK that like to exercise our horses away from home.

There are 2 main ways to get involved with the campaign:

  1. BHS Organised Rides – Planned events around the UK that you and your horse can attend
  2. Rideathon Adventure – Individual adventures that you plan, at your own pace

Whichever you chose to do, your entry fees or fund-raised cash will go towards safe off-road routes for us to enjoy.

How do I get involved?

Head to the BHS’s Ride Out UK page on their website, to find out more.

Whether you’re looking for Organised Rides near you (see here!) or are wanting to know more about how to plan your very own Rideathon Adventure, the BHS team have put a plethora of information together to help you get started.

For more information visit the BHS Site here.
The British Horse Society





P.s. Wondering who the riders in the picture are?! H&Cs Jenny Rudall is pictured here with Carl Hester (and another superstar guest!), in ‘Rudall Rides with Carl Hester’. You can find the whole series of ‘Rudall Ride With’ here.