A legacy for horses’ future

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The British Horse Society (BHS) has championed the country’s horses for over 70 years. Donations from supporters, no matter how large or small, will help them to continue to protect the horse in the decades to come.

Horses are deeply ingrained in our heritage. They’ve farmed our lands, help build our cities and showed unwavering loyalty and courage when our shores were under threat. They’ve done all this and asked for nothing in return. For this, we owe them an eternal debt.

Since 1947, the horse has been at the forefront of everything the BHS do as a charity and although the funding received through membership enables them to achieve their charitable aims, the extra funds received through generous donations and gifts from supporters makes a huge difference, and allow them to truly accelerate their valuable work.

On 16 October, the BHS launched its brand new legacy campaign with a legacy guide and a powerful new film which premiered on Horse and Country TV. The guide and video appeals to fellow horse lovers to consider leaving a gift in their will to the BHS to help them continue to protect, honour and celebrate horses for generations to come.

Research suggests 35% of over-40s in the UK “would be happy” to leave a legacy to a charity but only 6% end up actually doing so. Although making a Will may feel daunting, your estate may not be shared amongst those you care about most if you don’t have one in place. To help alleviate some of that stress, The BHS have also proudly partnered with McClure Solicitors to offer all BHS members a free and professional Will-writing service. McClure has a wealth of experience and knowledge and provide a friendly and stress free service.

Find out more at www.bhs.org.uk/legacy